Thursday, August 28, 2008

Who needs sleep?

I am so tired.... why? Playing Donkey Kong until 1am every night this week... that's why!!! It is 95% done. The other 5% is purely cosmetic stuff. Here it is...
Complete with lucky chair. When I look back at my mock up, I am not sure if I am more proud of my Photoshop skills or my carpentry skills. It looks really good.

Here is a shot of the wiring involved with the control panel
The keyboard hides inside ( I need a smaller one) so I can do regular computer type stuff, like configuring programs and directories.

Here is my 5 year old, taking the torch from my hand, and starting a new generation of old school gamers.

I think my new favorite sound is her jumping up and down and clapping, while asking if we can play Ms Pac-man. Her high score is 3240. Two dots away from clearing the first board. I am so proud of her.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The End is Near!

Over the weekend I made a ton of progress on the cabinet. I got the control panel built and wired. Man, that was quite an ordeal. I will get a shot of the wiring soon. But here is the control panel:

One of the toughest parts about building a MAME cabinet is designing the control panel. It has to accommodate the many different controls of many different games. I made a list of the 20-30 games that I would play the most, and designed mine around them. I don't have a rollerball, to accommodate Missile Command, or Centipede... they run about $125. A bit pricey and I was never that good at those games in the first place. I didn't put in a spinner to play Tempest, or Arkanoid. I enjoy tempest but not enough to invest the $45 for the spinner. Unfortunately that means no Tron as well, I can live with that for now.

The panel consists of (from left to right) an 8-way joystick, 2 game buttons, a Player 1 Button (Awesome, I was so happy to have found these), a 4 way joystick, 2 game buttons, a Player 2 button (double awesome), and another 8 way stick. The 4 way wasn't really necessary, but playing traditional 4 way stick games on an 8 way stick, just doesn't feel the same. So I threw it in there. And I had to have 2 8-ways to play Robotron, and Smash TV, and allow for some 2 player games.

Here is what it looks like as of this morning:

This week will consist of getting the computer loaded and configured... but my time machine to 1984 is almost complete.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

What have you been up to, young man???

Well, it has been a month since I posted last. You may have been wondering "Is he ok?".

I am here to tell you, that I am more than OK...I am great. The reason being my birthday present from my beautiful wife, and a very wonderful and generous friend.

Yes, the MAME Project is in full effect. I have been cleaning and painting and planning and wiring and trimming, and giggling like a child for the past month.

Here is what (I hope) it will look like when I am done.

Stay tuned... it is getting close to being finished.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Illidan Down!

Well, after of playing The Burning Crusade for over a year and a half, we beat Illidan. It is a VERY crazy 5 phase fight, that lasts 15-20 minutes. He was nice enough to drop the T6 Chest for me as well. What a swell guy.

Look out Sunwell, here comes Apatheia!

I'd watch it...

From the "What the hell..." part of the internet comes Chess Boxing. Play chess for 4 minutes. Beat the crap out of each other for 3 minutes. Do this 5 times or until you have beat the Chess part of your opponents brains out, or stun him with a dazzling Queen's Gambit opening. But, seriously, if your opponent falls for the Gambit, he deserves to have his brains beat out. Jeesh.

I just hope the commentators keep the same level of enthusiasm up for each part of the match.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

New favorite Commercial

The Burger King Chicken Fries commercial has been dethroned in our house.

I give you the new Champion!

They GOT ME!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Just Stop!

Well, no wonder he is going to beat Hillary, he has the "Jesus Benevolence Halo".

Oh wait, no he doesn't. It's just another photographer that needs to sell his camera.


Friday, May 23, 2008

A man walks into a bar...

Best Website EVER!

I have this open all the time at work now. You know... Just in case.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Internet Celebrity

My beautiful bride is an internet celebrity.

She is today's Reader of the Day on USA Today's "Pop Candy." The best place for all your pop culture information... and one of the best LOST discussions each week ANYWHERE!

Suck it, Costner!

Monday, May 05, 2008

McDonalds Mayhem

This past weekend my beautiful bride and I, along with our girls, went to help some of my high school friends with a "Pimp my Room" event for their teenage daughter. It was fun and exhausting at the same time, and kind of gave us an idea of what it might be like be on "Trading Spaces".

On our way out of town, my beautiful bride wanted a drink for the road, and my oldest daughter wanted some chicken nuggets. I pull into the closest MickeyDs, hop in the drive-thru lane wait a bit. After waiting a couple of minutes, I order a Large Diet Coke, and a 6 McNuggets. We sat for another few minutes, and finally reached the first window to pay. I hand them their money, and we sit and wait a few more minutes. I make a wise crack about "I thought this was a fast food restaurant?".

After about seven minutes in line, we get to the 2nd window. The 15-year-old looking kid hands me our 42 oz. Drink, and I pass it over to my wonderful wife. I turn around to get the bag of nuggets, and the kid hands me a large drink. I pause for a second, and then just take it, and set it in the cup holder between the seats. I turn once more to get my daughters bag o' nuggets. The kid then hands me the largest McDonald's bag they have. The one with handles on top. As soon, as I get it in the window, I smile quietly to myself.

"Drive", says my partner in crime under her breath. And I quickly pull away from the window, and make my getaway. We get about 2 blocks away, and we both just start laughing. " I can't believe I did that!" I say out loud. We hop on the highway, and open our ill-gotten bounty: 2 Big Macs, 1 premium Chicken sandwich with bacon, 2 large orders of friess, a 42 oz Dr Pepper, and a large Dr. Pepper. Not a bad (value wise, not health wise) deal for $3.50

Bonnie had a Big Mac, Clyde had the chicken sandwich, and "Tiny", and Babyface Nelson had some fries.

I can only imagine the confusion that ensued inside that McDonalds after we left, only adding to obvious problems they were apparently having. And I would have loved to see the face on the 2 construction worker looking guys behind us, who had to split 6 chicken nuggets, and a diet coke for lunch.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dumb Photographers

"Haha... he is part of the question mark. I am such a wonderful photographer... so witty, and creative. "

No... you're a no talent ass-clown. Please sell your camera.

Monday, April 21, 2008

3 Penny Candy

Over the weekend, I went over to a friend's house to watch UFC pay-per-view. On my way, I decided to stop at a local grocery store and pick up a snack for the evening. Some nice Brach's bulk candy... malt balls to be specific. I walk to the back of the store, pick up a paper bag, and put about half a pound of chocolate covered goodness inside. I casually stroll to the front of the store, a couple of employees stocking shelves say Hello, and ask if I need help finding anything. I get in the express lane and get my wallet out, and pull a couple of dollars out of it. The cashier was a high school girl, just chewing away at her gum, and watching the clock. She scans my bag of bulk candy, which I didn't catch at first, and then turns to me and says, "Your total is 3 cents."

WHAT?!? She scanned it, she didn't weight it and type in the awesome candy code, just scanned the UPC on the Brach's bag. Which apparently cost 3 cents.

I look at her, I look at the check out screen... it says : Paper bags - .03. I look at the guy behind me, with a bit of a confused look on my face. He gives me the international symbol for "Hell if I know, whatever." I look at the cashier again, and no sly little smile, no wink, no nothing... this is a normal transaction to her. I shove my dollars in my pocket, and hand her a nickel. She gives me a receipt for my paper bag, and 2 pennies. I take my change, my receipt, and my 99% discount, and walk to my car very confused. Then happily eat my candy. Very strange... I wonder if she works every Saturday night....hmmm.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I wish they would tell me.

I don't know if I missed a sign up sheet, or some E-mail I was supposed to respond to. But I keep missing the day of the month that "Drive Like As Asshat" Day falls on. It seems to keep changing. I would call in sick that day if I knew when it was consistently.

And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I saw a school bus driver talking on a cell phone this morning... I think I am going to buy a tank soon.

Monday, April 14, 2008

It is done.

Here is the Castle finished, and occupied. It wasn't as bad I had thought it was going to be. I kept having this horrible thought that I had mis figured something, and it wouldn't all come together. The only thing I miss figured was the size of the boards that go on the steps... they were all 1 inch too short. Not that big of a deal. I was also surprised at how strong and stable it was. I had planned alot of extra support underneath, but once we got it all together, I was sitting on top of it, nailing the decking down, and it didn't move at all. I have a little bit of trim to put on the very bottom, but other than that it's done.
She loves it. The only snag we have run into now is, when I have to carry her to bed. I have to walk up 2 of the 4 stairs, and make her craw the rest of the way. Maybe I should build a trebuchet, then that could just toss her up there... hmmm...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Building a Castle

For Lilly's Birthday, I have decided to build my princess a castle.

This is just my 3d rendering of what I want it to look like. Hopefully it will be done tomorrow night, in time for her Tea Party Saturday when 5 of her friends come over break it in, and hopefully not just break it.
I started it last weekend, and have most of the big pieces cut and painted. The tough part is that I am making it the garage, but it has to be assembled in her room... up two flights of stairs. I see a couple of late nights for Daddy.

Will post pictures when it is finished.

Pray for me...

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Lilly turns 5 today. It's very hard to believe that 5 years has gone by SO quickly.

It being her birthday, that makes her snack leader at her preschool automatically. She can bring anything she wants, instead of the normal healthy snacks that the school suggests. Lately, some parents have forgotten the "healthy" part of the snack they bring. Lilly will return from school and relay that she had cookies, chocolate chex mix, or chocolate milk for snack today. We usually send Goldfish crackers and apple juice with her on normal days. But today... today all bets are off. Lilly decided to take M&M Chips Ahoy cookies, and Apple juice today. Despite my constant begging and pleading to take chocolate covered espresso beans, and a case of Red Bull. Oh well, there is always the end of the year party...

Thursday, March 20, 2008


I miss my Mom...

Monday, February 25, 2008

A confesion.

I am going to share part of my life that I think someone should know about. Telling it to a friend is too embarrassing, and I don't really have anyone else to really talk about it to. So, I will tell you, anonymous Internet surfer.

For the past month or so, my wife has been beating me. It wasn't so bad at the beginning, but lately it is really starting to hurt. I have looked online for help from experts, but everything I have tried isn't working. It is getting to the point where I am starting to get mad, and want them to stop. I am getting to the point where I really want to beat her.

I am getting to the point where I wonder why... WHY did I buy Guitar Hero III in the first place.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Pictures of Heaven

We have actual proof that heaven exists. At least my heaven.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Better Late than never

I just got a phone call from Company C of the Binder Project

They were wondering if we had made a decision about our binders. I told them "Yes, about a year ago." They asked why they didn't get the job?!? Seriously... they asked me that, without laughing.

I politely said "The other company had a better price."

"Well, in the future, let me know what that price is and I will see if we can beat it." she said.

So, not only are they incapable of doing their own homework, they are the slowest company in the world.

Wow... Just Wow.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Box of Screws.

Screw Ice!

Screw the steep down hill part of my street!

Screw ditches!

Screw fence posts!

Screw wraparound plastic bumpers!

Screw Barbed wire!

Screw my scratched and dented hood and front quarter panel!

Screw Tuesdays disguised as Mondays!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Another tough question

My daughter brought up another tough question the other night, out of the blue.

"Do zombies poop?" she asked.

My wife's first reaction was "No."

"But what about all the brains they eat?"

My wife and I looked at each other... the girl had a point. We were forced to change our answer.

"Brains..... BRAINS!!!!! uh, oh... be right back guys."

I was telling some friends about this, and we all were discussing weather a zombie with no digestive system would/could poop. This lead to a discussion of where the drive for Brains come from. Is it a function of hunger, or are their brains rewired to want to eat the brains of the living. Basically, would a zombie that had no stomach (from a horrible shotgun death, let's say) get hungry? Or is that basic need to terrorize the living part of their new mental state?

Either way, I have the coolest 4-year old daughter in the world.