Thursday, February 26, 2009

From the Department of HELZ YEAH!

Nick Fury Goodness!

This just adds to my theory that you can never have too much Samuel L. Jackson. And that by adding Sam Jackson to anything only makes it better. Now, if we could only get Nick Fury to somehow become a ninja....

Monday, February 23, 2009

Death by Facebook

So, Facebook is really killing my motivation to post here lately. Just thought you should know.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Spread thin


Watching TV with my beautiful wife, Warcraft, the Mame Cabinet, this blog, Lilly, my poor lonely website, my new Facebook page, Violet, the geneology project, my DVR, Rockband Drum Addiction, a new sculpture idea, and tax season.

Jeesh, it's any wonder I have time to go to work.

Monday, February 02, 2009

High Score Update

Donkey Kong - 62,700
Mr. Do - 121,900
Dig Dug - 63,860
Bosconian - (78,020) 86,300
Pengo - (48,100) 62360
Mappy - 38,490
Asteroids -28,450
Burgertime -(24,100) 55200
Ms. Pac-man - 38,690
Galaga - 67,350
Frogger - (10620) 13,050
Tapper - 47375
Carnival - 32200
Circus Charlie - 61920
Punchout - 136310
Q-Bert - 29260
Robotron - 137,500

(Old High) New High

Football Fix

Well, now that football season is over, it is time for a fun diversion until it comes back. A friend of mine turned me onto Goal Line Blitz.

It is basically a MMORPG. You can pick which position you want to play and pick the stats for you player, and then join a team, or if you get a few levels under your belt, you will get contract offers and such. I enjoy it, and it only take about 5 minutes a day to keep the players updated, and trained.

If ya wanna play, use this link to sign up, I get referral points for friends joining. Here is a FAQ guide for what positions there are and what stats they use to get you started. Season 7 is about to wrap up, and Season 8 will be starting soon. Maybe I will get out of the Pee-Wee leagues this season.

Have fun, and maybe I will see you on the gridiron!