Monday, December 18, 2006


I love Penn and Teller. Last Christmas, my boss, bought me Season 2 of their show on Showtime "Bullshit". These guys really crack me up, and I love how they go after all of the "Experts" on this show. If you really want to see some eye opening stuff, I suggest the episodes on PETA, or recycling. Both are very good, and make some crazy good points. For example, in the recycling episode, they show that it is pretty much rediculous to recycle paper, plastic and glass. The only thing REALLY worth recycling is aluminum cans.

Thanks to Netflix, I have been enjoying Season 3. I just watched an episode about "The Best". Peoples facination with having the best. They interview one guy who, aparently, updates his PDA everytime a new "feature" is added. The "best" part to me though, is when they setup a make shift kitchen in an alley behind a fancy restaurant, and put hidden cameras all over this place. People sit down to what they think is a 5 star meal, with a fancy waiter and his 15 word descriptions for everything. When in fact, the meal they are getting is being prepared in this make shift kitchen, by a stage hand, with ingredients that were bought at the grocery store for under 20 bucks. The meal is very nice, on paper, Brushetta, Steak, Lobster, and a White chocolate mousse, all served with the "Most expensive wine in our cellar". The last part is true, because they had 2 bottles of wine, and one was $2, and the other was $1.50. The Steak part of the meal was actually a TV dinner that was pulled apart and replated with instant potatoes, and out of the can gravy. Very very funny stuff. All of the people were with a "friend" that was in on the joke, and when the moment came to let them off the hook, it was very uncomfortable.

If you have a few hours too kill, and nothing in your queue, I highly suggest this Show.

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