Friday, March 23, 2007

Time travel invented

Ladies and Gentlemen, mark you calenders... Time travel will be available for the world on Monday, January 18th, 2038. I know this, because my spam mail box is full of mail from that day. Something big happens in the world on that Monday. Something so huge that it allows people to try and sell me things 31 years from now. What disappoints me though, is the fact that they aren't trying to sell me things from the future. Some of them want me to meet local single girls and "have a good time". So, maybe, when I am 68, I become some super famous multi-trillionaire, and people are trying to set me up with their parents/grandparents to ensure their finacial security in the future... Yes, that has to be it. I become so rich in the future that people are going back in time to sell me things now, that I will remember their product and invest my trillions of dollars with them in the future. That is the only logical reason, that or its just a computer glitch.

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