Monday, February 26, 2007

Bermuda Rectangle

There is a new force in the universe, something that I mistook as the fault of man. I have found this to not be the case.

First, I must apologize to the Problem Passat Parker. Apparently, I took the easy way out and blamed what I thought was human error. There are much larger forces at work in the parking lot. Today, when I got to work, my mind was sent reeling. The spot that is usually taken by the VW, was occupied by a large SUV, but that SUV was NOT inside the parking space! It NEVER occurred to me, that the parking space itself could be at fault! It is truly a mystery of space. An unexplainable phenomenon, that is out of human hands.

I know in the future, I will not even be WALKING through this ripple in the "parking space/time continuum".

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