Monday, January 14, 2008

Another tough question

My daughter brought up another tough question the other night, out of the blue.

"Do zombies poop?" she asked.

My wife's first reaction was "No."

"But what about all the brains they eat?"

My wife and I looked at each other... the girl had a point. We were forced to change our answer.

"Brains..... BRAINS!!!!! uh, oh... be right back guys."

I was telling some friends about this, and we all were discussing weather a zombie with no digestive system would/could poop. This lead to a discussion of where the drive for Brains come from. Is it a function of hunger, or are their brains rewired to want to eat the brains of the living. Basically, would a zombie that had no stomach (from a horrible shotgun death, let's say) get hungry? Or is that basic need to terrorize the living part of their new mental state?

Either way, I have the coolest 4-year old daughter in the world.

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