Monday, February 19, 2007

Odd Motto

While driving to Country Music Hell yesterday, I read one of the 1000 billboards on the way, and it struck me as strange. A show was advertising what they called "Show-stopping Entertainment." Hmmm... Is the show really so entertaining, that it stops itself?? Seems kind of counter productive.

"Hey BillyBobJimBo, You are best be backin' off yer fiddle playin' a bit. Yer gunna stop this here show!"

Or do they have an act that is literally a Show Stopper. I mean besides the "scheduled" last act. People come in expecting two hours of Hillbilly Funk, and only get one hour. Because half way through, BettyJo's Cloggin' number sends the crowd into such a Blue Haired Frenzy, that they are forced to stop the show???

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