Friday, January 02, 2009

New Year, New Start

Is this thing still on???

Well, one of my many new resolutions, is to try and keep this thing updated a bit more. But I warn you, it is going to be boring. Obviously, anything will be less boring than the last 4 months posts.

My other resolutions are your standard ones... lose weight, get in shape. Some are more obscure, do 100 push-ups without stopping. Bench 350 lbs. Focus on the Genealogy project. Some are just weird, 100,000 points on Donkey Kong. 50,000 on Asteroids. Beat Dragon's Lair without continues. You know Geeky, nerd stuff.

There is going to be a lot of just plain random thoughts on here too. I am sure I read my old posts more than anyone else, and that is strange to me. But I enjoy reading it. That seems very narcissistic, but it's just something I do.

So, Welcome back, Happy New Year, and away we go...

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