Monday, November 27, 2006

Crazy Holidays

Thanksgiving was good. Went to my Mother-in-Law's house for lunch, and had alot of Ham. Very yummy. Then we watched Babe.

That night we had some friends over and had alot of snacks. Very fun. Then we watched Football.

Black Friday, we bought alot of gifts. Very Crazy! Then we watched Four Rooms.

Saturday we went to Great-Grandmother's house, and had alot of Turkey. Very filling. Then we watched Curious George.

Sunday, we had alot of chores, and played outside. Very relaxing. Then we wactched everyone turn on their Christmas Lights.

Damn... I knew I would forget to do something.

1 comment:

Carissa said...

How on Earth did I miss the irony that we watched Babe after eating all that ham! I feel so twisted now!